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Board of Education approves dual language immersion program at Carpenter

DOWNEY – Downey Unified’s Board of Education gave final approval Tuesday on a new dual language immersion program at Carpenter Elementary.

The new program, titled the Global Language Academies of Downey (GLAD), will begin with the 2019-20 school year.

GLAD will begin with two transitional kindergarten and three kindergarten classes.

The TK classes, titled dual language prep, will focus on preparing and immersing the students in their first education setting, while gradually exposing them to English.

The kindergarten classes will be separated into two different curriculums, one “Global Education” class which will focus on instruction that places focus on education on both a local and global scale, and two dual language/global education classes where students will be immersed in a second language while incorporating the global education instruction, officials said.

The TK dual language prep will be available to children who turn the age of 5 between Sept. 2 and Dec. 2. The program will include an emphasis on oral language development, literacy immersion, and number sense, while providing collaborative experiences that promote cooperation, self-confidence, self-regulation and healthy attitudes about school and learning, district officials said in a news release.

The program will also include Spanish language development throughout the day to build the necessary skills to transition into the primary programs within GLAD.

“The Global Language Academies of Downey Dual Language Immersion program will follow a unique educational model where children learn to think, read, write and communicate naturally in both English and Spanish,” the district said in a statement.

“Native Spanish and native English-speaking students study together, beginning in kindergarten through fifth grade, to be biliterate in both languages. The goal of the program is to empower students to achieve high levels of academic success and develop the cross-cultural skills needed to be ready for a global economy.”

Downey officials said GLAD’s kindergarten program “offers students a comprehensive curriculum that nurtures independent learning skills by encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning through an inquiry-led method.

“This approach to instruction also incorporates local and global issues into the curriculum by giving students the opportunity to learn solely in their native language.

“GLAD also offers an option for a dual-language option within this program for students that will provide benefits during their earlier formative years, furthering their progression and abilities in both English and Spanish.”

School district officials also pointed to research that shows “that learning a second language stimulates the brain to develop reasoning skills, which transfer to critical thinking skills in math, science and language arts.”

“It has also shown that children who are educated in two languages on average have stronger self-esteem with more interest in other cultures, which in turn, allows students to acquire a sense of respect for different cultures and the world,” the school district said.

Parents interested in having their child enrolled in this program must attend an information meeting and fill out an online application form.

To RSVP for an information meeting and to learn more about GLAD, visit or call (562) 469-6568.