Carl's Jr. to make way for Starbucks
Photo by Alex Dominguez
DOWNEY - Plans to demolish an existing Carl’s Jr. restaurant and construction of a new building for a relocated Starbucks were unanimously approved on Wednesday evening by Downey’s Planning Commission.
The existing 2,231 square foot burger-chain building, located at the southeast corner of Firestone and Lakewood Boulevards, will soon make way for a new 1,698 square foot coffee shop with outdoor seating and drive-through lane.
The entrance to the proposed drive-through lane will be located on the south side of the parking lot, accessible by both Firestone and Lakewood. It will continue around the eastern side of the building and wrap around to the pick-up window, where cars will then exit back into the parking lot.
This will not house a new Starbucks shop, as the current establishment currently housed in the Farmers and Merchants bank building across the street will move once the project is complete.