Cerritos College celebrates class of 2021
NORWALK — Cerritos College celebrated the Class of 2021 with both virtual and drive-thru commencement ceremonies on May 27 and 28.
The college hosted its first ever “car-mencement” drive-thru celebration for graduates. Graduates traveled along a celebration route through a Blue Carpet Zone, received a diploma, and took pictures with friends and family. The college presented 4,500 associate degrees and skills certificates.
Elizabeth Silva graduated with 12 degrees and certificates.
San Diego native Elizabeth Silva is an extraordinary graduate, having earned 12 degrees and certificates in three years. She earned all of her units online from her hometown virtually at the Norwalk-based campus.
Elizabeth’s degrees and certificates include both associate degrees and certificates in business administration, human resources management, international business, business management, retail management, and entrepreneurship, respectively.
Elizabeth knew education could change her life, but being a single parent of three, she delayed her education to support her family. When the college offered more online classes during the pandemic, Elizabeth was able to pursue the courses she wanted to earn more degrees and certificates. With the strong support from college counselors, her online education ran smoothly.
With a dozen new credentials, Elizabeth plans to transfer to a four-year university next year and one day start her own non-profit organization for homeless women and children.
“I am excited to have these 12 degrees and certificates under my belt and a good education. Having all-round business knowledge is important to achieve my goal,” said Elizabeth. She will stay involved as a Falcon parent as her daughter attends Cerritos College Online, the college’s fully online degree and certificate program.
Simon Guerrero was a normal young man, but he engaged in criminal activities. In 2019, after being referred to the college’s Court2College (C2C) program by Judge Joseph Porras of the Norwalk Superior Court, Simon turned his life around.
The campus’ C2C program is a unique college and career bridge partnership with the L.A. County Department of Health Services Office of Diversion and Reentry, Norwalk Superior Courthouse and the L.A. County Department of Probation to re-direct first-time nonviolent felony offenders into college as a condition of their probation. The program aims to reduce recidivism, substance abuse, and increase educational attainment and employability.
While he originally attended Cerritos College only to avoid prison time, Simon continued his studies on campus after his probation period. He earned an Automotive Mechanical Repair Manufacturer Specialist Certificate and passed the ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Certification for Auto Electrical Specialists.
He volunteered at an auto repair shop to complete the requirements for an A.A. Degree in Automotive Technology. Today, Simon owns his own auto repair shop called L.A. Auto Service inc. in East Los Angeles and plans to buy a home.
He is the first in his family to earn a college degree and a certificate.
“We were thrilled to celebrate our graduates’ milestone both on campus and virtually. These students achieved their educational goals despite so much uncertainty and challenges during unprecedented times with dedication and hard work,” said Dr. Jose Fierro, president and superintendent. “Many thanks to our faculty and staff for making sure our students have the best educational resources and support, and making Cerritos College an excellent institution of learning.”