Councilman hopes to unite Downey's volunteer groups
Councilman Rick Rodriguez and Mayor Fernando Vasquez speak to residents of a Neighborhood Watch group. Photo by Hans Fritz
DOWNEY – In an attempt to coordinate Downey’s entire volunteer force, the city will be hosting a volunteer meeting next month.
The meeting is currently scheduled for Thursday, April 13 at 6 pm, and is to be hosted at the Barbara J Riley Community and Senior Center.
The upcoming meeting is intended to gather input from local community organizations, non-profits and churches to help city officials establish specific volunteer opportunities to address community needs.
One very outspoken supporter of the volunteer collaboration is still relatively fresh City Council member Rick Rodriguez, who has long shown a desire to inventory Downey’s volunteer and charitable organizations.
“Because they do so much wonderful work around Downey, we need to coordinate their efforts,” said Rodriguez. “We are busting at the seams with volunteers. There are a lot of good natured people, well intentioned people, who need direction.”
April’s meeting will include a skill assessment of each group.
According to Rodriguez, the collaboration effort could benefit several needs in the community, including homelessness, troubled youth intervention and gang prevention, and freeing up emergency responders.
“Every city has troubled youth, gang membership, issues with homeless; every city has it,” said Rodriguez. “The only thing we’re doing differently is we’re attacking it, it’s not attacking us.”
Those with questions are encouraged to call the City Manager’s Office at (562) 904-7284.