Downey abandons plans for roundabout
The City Council has reconsidered plans for a roundabout at Rives Avenue and Quill Drive. (Photo by Alex Dominguez)
DOWNEY — Controversial plans for a trial roundabout at the intersection of Rives Avenue and Quill Drive have been abandoned.
The proposed roundabout has been in discussions since September 2019 as a way to gauge effectiveness for possible installment at other locations throughout the city.
Should the city council have moved forward with the plans, a simulated roundabout – created through the use of fabricated raised islands, delineators, pavement striping, markings, and signage – would have been placed at the intersection for a 30-day period.
According to a report presented to the city council, the estimated cost for the “trial” implementation of the project would come at a cost of approximately $35,000. Another $400,000-$500,000 would have been spent should the city have chosen to move forward, according to comments made by Councilman Donald La Plante.
Already the city has spent $40,000 on the roundabout’s design.
Councilwoman Claudia Frometa called the project “a bad idea.”
“We cannot put in more money into a project that would be disastrous for that particular intersection,” said Frometa. “Bad idea, bad project, let’s not proceed.”