The Downey Patriot

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Help stop global warming: ride a bike in Downey this Saturday

We interrupt our ongoing discussion of global warming in this space to announce a bicycling event this coming Saturday, August 25, in Downey. In its own way, this notification could not be more appropriate, in that bicycling is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to reduce fossil fuel consumption from transportation, universally accepted as the biggest contributor to global warming.The Downey event will be a six-mile ride, beginning and ending at Apollo Park, 12544 Rives Avenue, next to the Barbara Riley Center. It will commence at 8 a.m. and last until 11:00. The route will include a segment on the Rio Hondo Bike Path and will pass by Rio Hondo Country Club and Furman Park, with refreshments provided at ride's end by the CareMore Medical Group. Conceived and organized by Steve Perez, The Green Gardener, and co-founder of downeygreen, the ride is designed as an open fundraiser, encouraging the involvement of local organizations to raise funds through the participation of their supporters. Currently fielding riders are the Downey YMCA, the Downey Rose Float Association, the Miss Downey Pageant, the Kiwanis Green Team, both Downey Kiwanis clubs, the Knights of Columbus, Friends of the Downey City Library, and Calvary Chapel. Avenue Press is sponsoring the ride by providing printing services, including signup/participation forms. Individuals and families are also encouraged to join in. Organizer Perez, who coordinated the Independence Day Bike Parade at Downey High School, is further contemplating a monthly bicycling event in Downey. There's still time to get involved. To register your organization, contact Steve Perez via email at, or by telephone at 562-519-1442. Or simply show up with your bicycle and friends, colleagues, and family, at Apollo Park on Saturday morning, beginning at 8:00 a.m. (Reminder to riders under 18: California state law requires you to wear a helmet.)

********** Published: August 23, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 19