In Lynwood, students band together in wake of Trump’s presidential victory
Firebaugh High freshmen (from left) Kassandra Ortiz, Deirra Hickson and Leslie Macias stamp their handprints upon a map of the United States during a Nov. 18 unity rally in Falcon Square.
LYNWOOD – Students at both Lynwood Unified high school campuses hugged and held hands during special rallies last week as students shared their fears and hopes following the Nov. 8 election of Donald Trump as president.
The Lynwood High campus was covered in purple on Nov. 16 as the Knights gathered during lunchtime for their U-Knight rally, voicing their concerns and signing a pledge wall to create the change they wish to see.
“A lot of students are talking about how their families didn’t vote and they’re having a hard time dealing with the thought of Trump as president,” Lynwood High junior Dajahn Outland said. “Every vote matters. We have to push forward as a country, no matter who our president is.”
In addition to the pledge wall, LHS students initiated a safety pin movement in which everyone on campus wore safety pins to show their steadfast support for one another.
“The results of the presidential election concern many of our students, but we wanted to show them there are other outlets to make their voices heard,” Superintendent Paul Gothold said. “I hope these forums helped them discover a more productive way of appealing to the government on issues that concern them.”
Firebaugh High Falcons held a unity rally on Nov. 18 in its Falcon Square courtyard, vowing to “protect the nest” and help students cope with the election results through an open forum.
“We need to hope for the best and work toward a better future,” Firebaugh High senior Cristal Hernandez said. “There’s no reason to walk out of school, it’s important that we stay united and support our peers through events like these rallies.”
While also participating in a safety pin movement, Firebaugh High students painted their hands in red and blue and stamped them upon a map of the United States with a statement below reading, “No walls, just love.”
“I am very impressed with how our students have been handling the constant overflow of information that has been coming their way, especially over the last couple weeks,” LUSD Board President Alma-Delia Renteria said. “It’s great to see everyone expressing their concerns in a supportive way, opening up a much-needed dialogue to voice their beliefs.”