The Downey Patriot

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Dear Editor:

Looking at our upcoming school board election, I have to vote for one person out of the three names on my ballot but it appears to me this is just another big waste of our taxpayer dollars. 

I bet only about 12%-18% of the registered voters will even show up and most of them will be friends and family of the incumbents who will probably get re-elected anyway. My suggestion is that we combine the school board election with our annual political election to get a better turnout and save hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars.

Past newly-elected Downey city councilman Mario Guerra’s first big mistake, just weeks after getting into office, he had us pay for a special election to get rid of term limits for city council members, even though we Downey citizens had already made it clear by voting for term limits. Mario insisted on a special vote and the cost to Downey citizens back then was said to be $75,000. We won the vote but paid the price. Mario lost, this was his deal.

This happened even before Mario got his three other council member buddies to pull off a nasty trick by doing a first time ever rotten stunt, when they voted Ann Bayer out of the mayor position and put Mario in because he was such an important person. We don’t vote for mayor, they rotate into that position.

Mario thought he was such an important person at that time but guess what? His mayor term failed. Just look at what Tesla Motors did to him when they signed with San Jose for their manufacturing plant instead of signing with Downey.

However, I do believe he set a new record of having pictures of himself in the Downey Patriot every Friday. And still to this day in 2015, you can almost guarantee Mario’s picture will be in the paper on Friday.

Maurie Thomas