The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: In defense of SEAACA

Dear Editor:

There was a “peaceful” protest, protesting dogs being put down at Downey’s SEAACA Shelter.

I have to wonder how many of those who protested took the time to visit the facility and speak with the staff to find out how and why they operate the way they do?

How many of those protesting have financially supported the shelter? Not many I’m betting.

I can personally attest to SEAACA being an amazing shelter. Everyone on staff cares deeply for their animals and does everything they can to care for and find homes for their cats and dogs.

Their volunteers are kind caring people. How many of the protesters have put their time in at the shelter to help? Yeah, not many.

I have adopted three dogs from there over the years. My current best friend was overlooked there for a couple of months. A long time for a dog to be cared for in a shelter. He’s the best dog I’ve ever had!

People protesting at the shelter will detour others from adopting a new pet there. Kind of counterintuitive don’t you think?

These days people love to protest just for the sake of protesting. “Yay look at me, I’m making a difference”

Every shelter only has so much funding and that puts a limit on how many animals they can care for.

No one should be protesting SEAACA unless they have visited the shelter and talked to the staff to be sure they have a good understanding of how they operate and why they do what they do.

Make a positive difference. Donate, volunteer, adopt.

John Zander