The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Let's get more variety in our restaurants

Dear Editor:

As I drove by the Downey Landing and saw the closed Elephant Bar Restaurant one sunny afternoon, I thought to myself, "Oh, I can't wait to see what restaurant will open there" and "hope it's not another Mexican restaurant." Well turns out it is. ("El Pescador Coming to Downey," 1/25/18)

I have nothing against El Pescador, Mexican food, and especially a family-run business. It's just I was really hoping for something different like TGI Fridays, Wood Ranch or Outback. Come on Downey, we need more of a variety of restaurants for our community! 

There are enough Mexican restaurants in Downey, almost on every corner from Lakewood and Gallatin to Old River School Road, down Paramount and through Firestone. Not to mention the one still under construction right in the heart of Downey. 

What happened to comfort food, steak and potatoes? A menu with variety for everyone? I mean how much chips and salsa can we have (just kidding, I can eat those all day), but you see what I mean. The Downey Promenade offers a good variety of business and is still growing as does Stonewood Mall.

I wish nothing but good luck to El Pescador at the Downey Landing but in the future please, Downey, let in some new businesses with variety to our beautiful, growing city.

Nora Rodriguez-Ortiz