The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Our country's priorities

Dear Editor:

I am tired of our politicians and President saying that America is the best country in the world when clearly it is not. 

There are 100 gun-related murders per day, and many more gun-related suicides. There are at least 1 million people living in tents as well. We spend $800 billion per year on weapons that will never be used. 

Before we strut our stuff around the world, we should re-evaluate our priorities on where we spend our money. The drugs pouring in from our southern border are consumed by American citizens who are depressed or sick. Look at our TV ads, promoting drugs for everything. 

Meanwhile, there are long lines of people buying more guns. Statistics say that if you own a firearm, you are much more likely to be killed than if you didn't. 

So wake up America and get your priorities straight.

Colin Clarke