The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Pride Month necessary now more than ever

Dear Editor:

This Pride Month appears to be marked by an increased amount of controversy compared to previous years.

Some individuals are choosing to boycott stores and products, and in certain instances, resorting to acts of vandalism and threats towards employees due to the presence of Pride merchandise. The reason behind this behavior stems from their disagreement with what they perceive as an alternative lifestyle being forced upon them.

However, it is important to recognize that nobody is imposing anything upon them. If they don’t agree with it, that’s perfectly fine, but there is no need to make a spectacle out of it by boycotting or vandalizing stores or threatening employees. If they don’t like the Pride merchandise or the products endorsed by LGBTQ+ influencers, they can simply move on without giving it much attention or refrain from purchasing them.

Furthermore, for those who oppose Pride Month, I pose a question: Are you familiar with the history behind Pride Month? Chances are, you may not be.

I encourage you to research the Stonewall riots that occurred during the summer of 1969 and explore the history of LGBTQ+ individuals in the United States. Discover how they faced discrimination, surveillance, and targeted arrests by law enforcement. By doing so, you might gain some valuable insights and a better understanding of the purpose behind Pride Month.

It is my hope that this understanding leads to a more accepting attitude in future Pride months. The LGBTQ+ community is an integral part of society and is here to stay. It would be beneficial to embrace their presence because they are determined to fight for their rights.

Gideon Valdez