The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Right move by the City Council

Dear Editor:

I would like to commend Alex Saab and the entire City Council for their  “do-over”.  

Even though most felt It was in the best Interest of the city for the initial decision, they now agree it is in the best interest to nominate Sean Ashton as the next mayor. The citizens entrusted him to represent them, and he should have that chance.
Over many decades I have seen divisive and cohesive councils, and obviously the cohesive councils that work together and have no personal agendas get things done and make our city strong. I feel with our newest council members we will again have a cohesive council. Be open minded to everyone’s opinions and make good decisions.
To all the future mayors: I hope you work well with city staff, and learn all you can. Most
importantly, please make yourself available for all events you need to attend. We know all of you
have a paying job, but for one year you need to prioritize the city as your job as much as possible and represent us at many events. An absentee mayor is embarrassing for the city, which
has been the case in the past.

I thank you in advance for your service to my wonderful city.
Dorothy Pemberton