The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: South Downey redevelopment

Dear Editor:

As a Downey resident for 45 years, I look forward to the development of South Downey. However, I do have some concerns that city officials don’t always look at the big picture. An example would be the right turn lanes and islands at Imperial and Bellflower. Why was this construction not started and completed prior to the increase in traffic from the Promenade?

Let’s look at the Rancho Los Amigos project. Gardendale, from Lakewood to Garfield, was finally repaved. However, it went from a two lanes to one. With traffic already terrible on Firestone and Imperial, why would we turn the only other east/west road on the south side into a one lane highway? Yes, I am aware a bicycle lane was added that has little use while Gardendale is getting worse. Cars constantly race around at the intersections to pass on the right. 

The article states ‘Imperial Highway is poised to become a new grand thoroughfare in Downey.” What are the projections for traffic volume when these projects are completed? Access to the Rancho complex is limited. North bound traffic on Paramount must make a U-turn to get in, Imperial traffic has Old River School and Rives, or you can go over the bridge. No access from Gardendale.

Please, before you build on the site make sure all traffic issues are resolved before the project is completed. Start with returning Gardendale to two lanes! If at all possible, please publish traffic projections and traffic flow charts. Let everyone be part of this project! 

Jeffrey Caudill