The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Why we're supporting Gil Legaspi

Dear Editor:

The primary job of a councilmember is to guard public funds and to ensure that basic civic tasks get done: trash is picked up, graffiti is removed, traffic is moving, and local businesses are thriving, among many other things. We believe that Gil Legaspi understands this about the position, and that he is willing to tackle the day-to-day duties of the job.

We acknowledge his opponent Dorothy Pemberton’s 30 years of volunteering. However, volunteering does not automatically bestow upon you a position on the city council. We hope she continues volunteering under Councilmember Gil Legaspi.

A small band of “cool kids” here in Downey has decided on our behalf that Ms. Pemberton is the heir apparent to the council seat. They label Legaspi an “unknown” because he doesn’t run in their tight circle. They seem to overlook the fact that there are over 114,000 residents in this city and that our voices are just as important as theirs. You don’t have to be part of the “Cool Kids Club” in order to be an effective council member. Legaspi recognizes that all citizens are entitled to be heard, and that no single person is entitled to a position on the City Council.

A recent letter to the editor was critical of Legaspi’s appointment to the L.A. County Tax Assessment Appeals Board by Supervisor Janice Hahn. This is puzzling. Los Angeles County provides lots of critical services (and funds!) to the City of Downey. It is an absolute necessity that our next councilmember be able to reach beyond the city’s boundaries to all levels of government. Issues such as homelessness and crime know no


Clearly, Legaspi is the person for this job. We ask the tens of thousands or residents in District 3 to join us in supporting Gil Legaspi for Downey City Council.

Lissette Rivera, Daysi Verdeja, Brandon Sanguily, Jesus Torres, Maria Arencibia