Lynwood hosts third annual student arts festival
Lugo and Rosa Parks elementary schools’ Princess Feet Ballet students get ready for their dance to “Lollipop” during Lynwood Unified’s third annual festival of the arts, themed The Woods, on May 21.
LYNWOOD – More than 2,000 parents, students and community members participated in Lynwood Unified’s third annual festival of the arts, themed The Woods, where students presented dance and band performances, arts and crafts and theater skits to showcase the District’s rich visual and performing arts program.
The festival encouraged members of the community to experience Lynwood Unified’s diverse programs and partnerships throughout the daylong event on May 21.
“This festival is important for our city because it shows the community how beautiful the arts are,” Firebaugh High senior Paola Valdovinos said. “People are able to see the different opportunities their kids can have at our schools through events like this.”
The Woods Festival of the Arts, occupying the entire Firebaugh High School campus, featured nearly 20 dance ensembles from almost all District schools, musical performances and sidewalk chalk art, finger-puppet making, a wishing tree, spray paint designs and T-shirt tie-dying.
Lynwood High School students perform a “12 Angry Pigs” skit during Lynwood Unified’s third annual festival of the arts, themed The Woods, on May 21.
“Our District has been gearing up for this event for some time, and we’re so proud to see everything seamlessly come together,” Superintendent Paul Gothold said. “This event gives us the opportunity to showcase our students’ talent and creativity to the public.”
In addition to the abundant tents of activities, the event featured acting and writing workshops and more than 50 booths from community organizations such as The Museum of Contemporary Art, the Lynwood Union, Collective Coffee and the California Youth Karate Club.
The District’s community partners, including Crossroads Films, Latino Film Institute Youth Cinema Project, BRIDGE Theatre, Princess Feet and The Rock & Roll Academy, hosted informational tables and performances of their own.
“Bringing all our visual and performing arts students and community partners together for one giant festival puts into perspective how amazing our programs are,” Board President Alma-Delia Renteria said. “It’s inspiring to see how innovative our students are in creating scripts, dance routines and activities that may guide them to choose a career in the arts.”