Only 3 excessive force complaints filed against Downey Police in last 5 years
Photo by Pam Lane,
DOWNEY – Only three use-of-force complaints were lodged against the Downey Police Department in the last five years, according to data released Wednesday.
The data shows that the vast majority of calls to which Downey PD responded between 2011 and 2015 resulted in peaceful resolutions.
Single complaints alleging excessive force were filed in 2012, 2013 and 2015. Of those three complaints, none were substantiated.
Police officers used force 372 times over the five-year span. There were four officer-involved shootings: two in 2011 and two in 2014.
"Of the 682,067 calls for service over the past five years, less than one-half of one percent resulted in force being used against a person. And of the 372 uses of force by Downey officers over than span, only three resulted in a citizen complaint," said Police Chief Carl Charles.
"We take great pride in the community we serve and believe in providing the highest qualify of service to everyone. As such, we believe that transparency is critical in maintaining trust within the community and have provided this information as a way to further that relationship."
In a press release, Downey Police said their officers are trained to resolve conflicts "using the least amount of force necessary."
"Incidents involving force are not a common occurrence at our department which can be attributed to the amount of training our officers receive and the professionalism they display on a daily basis," the statement said. "While every attempt is always made to bring situations to a peaceful resolution without using force, there are circumstances where a level of force is required to protect the public, the officer(s), and the subjects they are interacting with."
Mayor Alex Saab said the data "clearly reaffirms the true professionalism of our Downey police officers and the great job they do to protect and serve all that live and work within our community."
Below are the full stats:
Total Calls for Service: 136,434
Total Arrests: 3,656
Total Use of Force Incidents: 58
Use of Force Complaints: 0
Officer Involved Shootings: 2
Total Calls for Service: 136,539
Total Arrests: 3,355
Total Use of Force Incidents: 65
Use of Force Complaints: 1
Officer Involved Shootings: 0
Total Calls for Service: 130,819
Total Arrests: 3,298
Total Use of Force Incidents: 77
Use of Force Complaints: 1
Officer Involved Shootings: 0
Total Calls for Service: 137,585
Total Arrests: 3,508
Total Use of Force Incidents: 80
Use of Force Complaints: 0
Officer Involved Shootings: 2
Total Calls for Service: 140,690
Total Arrests: 3,867
Total Use of Force Incidents: 92
Use of Force Complaints: 1
Officer Involved Shootings: 0