Q&A: A conversation with Downey’s Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez (holding scissors) at a ribbon-cutting ceremony last week for his new Downey real estate office.
DOWNEY – With the grand opening of MARCAR Real Estate Brokers Corp taking place this week, Downey’s newest broker Carlos Martinez is anxious to secure his spot in the community. Downey Patriot Contributor Alex Dominguez sat down with Martinez to discuss his business, personal life, goals, and vision for the future.
AD: For people who don’t know you – if someone were to walk up to you in the middle of Downey and say “Who are you?”- What would you say?
CM: I’m a real estate broker. Also a MLO. That’s my profession. A person that just started in the community of Downey. Probably about a year and a half ago I started trying to get closer to the community. I have a two year old son. Married to my wife – she’s also here, a partner of mine. She’s able to balance our lives together so we can kind of make sure we still give the quality time to my son and be able to take care of the business.
AD: Tell me a little bit about your background in your business.
CM: I’m second generation. My parents both – my dad did the lending side, and my mother was in real estate. Since I was nine years old it’s been real estate – passing out flyers, being able to communicate – that was pretty much my job as a young child. As I grew into the business…I went to college out at North Western out in Iowa. It was a very different experience coming from California and going to a completely different state. But doing the school there I always had the passion of real estate…
AD: I’ve noticed a very strong family trend. Strong family ties?
CM: Yes. I think it’s important. I get wrapped up, don’t get me wrong, you know? I get in my zone. But then always at the end of the day you just gotta put your feet on the ground and touch what’s real. So that’s something that I try personally to keep in the back of my mind at all times. Family.
AD: What brought you to Downey specifically?
CM: My wife….she’s [been] raised here since ’91, ’92. I’m from Ontario so when I met my wife we got married, and it’s always good to be close to family. Her parents are here in Downey; they’ve been here also since the 90’s. So it’s something where we felt it was the best thing…We have an office in Los Angeles, and then I said ‘OK, between her and I, we have to be close.’ We have a two year old, we’re going to take him to school. Let’s be close and let’s build a community…
AD: So coming to Downey was more of a family decision to stay close?
CM: Stay close with the community. We realized that we were Monday through Sunday just business. I feel like with our son especially he needs to go to school here, we need to build some kind of bond with more people so that at any moment you never know what we can offer, and what they can also assist us or help us with.
AD: I understand you’re looking to get more involved in the community. How are you looking to do that? Is it through your business, or more personally?
Carlos Martinez, left, received a city proclamation from Mayor Alex Saab. Photo courtesy Downey Chamber of Commerce.
CM: Right now, for example, our main focus is reaching out to people of our church. We’re here at OLPH. We were able to get married through that church, and build a bond. Right now we’re focusing on Wednesdays we do Church activities for younger children, trying to get their first communion. Trying to get involved with that…After meeting more people in the area they offered me the opportunity to be able to join Kiwanis. Meeting Eric [Pierce], it was awesome the way he described it, it sounds like it’s a great opportunity to give back. Without just being corny or anything, I truly feel giving - at one point God will return, will give back without you even expecting it…
AD: You’re still pretty new to the city of Downey. What are some first impressions?
CM: I love it, man. I mean it’s something where you just see the potential…you can see what’s expanding…when I go around the neighborhood here or just in an event, people actually acknowledge you…very welcoming, they make you feel at home, the community as itself…I think it’s a great opportunity and experience.
AD: Do you think that’s what also brings other people looking to either move or bring their business here? Is that what draws them? The great relationships that everyone seems to have?
CM: I honestly think so…it’s getting to a point where we’re able to experience getting to know other business minded. They’re establishing here, their homes are here. More people than I ever thought! It’s just crazy…
AD: What do you see coming down in the future for yourself, your family, your business etc.?
CM: I honestly see it as being a base to build a lot more relationships and business as a whole. It’s very competitive; I know I’m another real estate broker and there’s many here. But hopefully we can show the difference…
AD: You mentioned that it’s very competitive here in real estate, and it is. There’s a lot of real estate agencies and brokers here. Is that intimidating coming into this market?
CM: It’s intimidating. It gets to a point where at the end competition is everywhere…I think that’s what makes me want to strive and push for more. If the big guys are here, then we who are starting can also find growth. Intimidating but in a good way.
AD: Intimidating but motivating as well…
CM: Exactly! To know that you’re located in a place where it’s known for real estate…because of so many different types of entrepreneurs, they see different opportunities in real estate…We’re looking forward to it. We’re excited with our grand opening Thursday…it’s something where we’re hopeful that the community gets to know a little bit more about us…