Razorbacks sign-ups begin March 13
The Razorbacks’ flag football team before a coin toss. Photo courtesy Downey Razorbacks
DOWNEY — The Downey Razorbacks will begin accepting sign-ups for its fall season on March 13, league officials announced.
The Razorbacks — also known as Downey Youth Football — will take registration at its Back to School Football Night on March 13 at 7 p.m. at the Rio Hondo Event Center.
Practices start July 30 and the first game is Sept. 7. Home games are played at Downey and Warren high schools.
Meanwhile, the league also announced its executive leadership for the 2019 season.
Executive officers serve two-year terms. Re-elected officers include Kim Barnette, secretary; Roial Douglas, cheer coordinator; and Louis Morales, who will serve an unprecedented 21st year as president.
The Downey Razorbacks are part of the Pacific Coast Conference, which is a member of American Youth Football, the largest youth football organization in America.
For more information, or of you are interested in coaching, call Louis Morales at (310) 350-0220 or go to downeyrazorbacks.com.