Rose Hills opens Covid-19 memorial

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WHITTIER — A Covid-19 memorial opened at Rose Hills Memorial Park on Tuesday and will remain open through the end of April. 

The memorial is located in the Garden of Meditation, accessible via Gate 1 off Workman Mill Road. 

“Our Covid-19 memorial serves as a place of healing, a place of comfort and a place to remember,” Rose Hills said in a statement. “With over 1,600 Rose Hills families directly affected and over 20 million Southern California residents impacted, we felt the need to create a space for our community to find comfort in knowing they are not alone.” 

The memorial features a grove of trees physically distanced to represent the 2020 experience. More than 1,600 reflective hearts and stars hang from the trees, representing a person lost to Covid-19 and interred at Rose Hills. 

“Their reflective light serves as a reminder of those who once brought light into our lives,” Rose Hills said. 

Members of the public are invited to choose a heart or star from one of the trees and write a message or memory in honor of a loved one. 

The star or heart should be placed back on the tree “so that others may find the strength, comfort and peace in knowing they are not alone.”

NewsStaff Report