UCLA supporters announce Southeast Bruins Scholarship
Giselle Del Carmen of Maywood walking during the traditional Commencement Ceremony at UCLA on June 18.
DOWNEY -- The Southeast Bruins Network is concluding the 2016-17 fiscal year with the creation of an official "Southeast Bruins Scholarship." The accomplishment comes after over eight months of collaboration among the Southeast Bruins Board of Directors, officials at UCLA, and local UCLA supporters.
The initial Southeast Scholarship Award will be granted to one student from the Southeast Los Angeles region in the fall of 2017. This marks the first time in the history of UCLA that the University's Office of Scholarships and Student Support Initiatives awards this region-specific scholarship.
The first scholarship recipient will be announced at an inaugural annual event in the fall.
The initial scholarship is in the amount of $4,000 and the recipient will receive it over the span of four years in four annual disbursements. This merit-based scholarship was made possible by the generosity of multiple local UCLA alumni and friends. The Southeast Bruins Network have expressed special gratitude to Joseph's Bar and Grill, Law Offices of Miguel Duarte, La Barca Grill and Cantina Inc., and Downey's very own past mayor Mario Guerra and current Mayor Fernando Vasquez and Mi Cielo Restaurant and Rooftop Lounge.
Officials at UCLA note that the annual cost of tuition at UCLA is $13,254, but caution that the true cost of attendance can rise to over $33,000 per year once room and board and other costs of living expenses are factored in. To relieve some of the financial pressures accompanying students during their college career, the Southeast Bruins are making a call to action and strongly encouraging all those who are in a position to do so to consider contributing to the official Southeast Bruins Scholarship Fund.
Anyone wishing to make this tax-free contribution to the Southeast Scholarship fund is encouraged to contact George Touma, Director of Development at UCLA, at (310) 983-3065 or by emailing him at gtouma@support.ucla.edu. Additionally, supporters can contribute directly by visiting the following website: giving.ucla.edu/SoutheastLA