Wrestlemania Predictions
Photos WWE.com
With the WWE’s biggest show of the year just days away, it came time for me to write my “big wrestling show” prediction article that my editor Eric Pierce is so kind enough to humor me with.
But then I had a thought.
“This is Wrestlemania! We have to do something special!”
So for this time around, I’ve asked Eric (who is also a fan) to add his input. It should be fun, since Eric is more of a casual fan, and I am admittedly a bit of a “smart mark.”
Without any further ado – and just like the banter back and forth of Jerry “The King” Lawler and Good Ol’ “JR” Jim Ross - here’s our picks for Wrestlemania.
You can decide who’s JR and who’s King.
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship
AD: This is the match that has been building for over a year, whether we like it or not. WWE is keen on making Reigns the next face of the company, so there should be no shocks or surprises.
Roman Reigns leaves “Suplex City” with the belt. Hey, at least the title will be on Raw consistently again…
Prediction: Roman Reigns
EP: Count me as one of the few people to buy into the Roman Reigns hype. His mic work needs improvement, but the same can be said of Brock Lesnar, who escapes criticism despite having the carnival barker Paul Heyman do all his talking.
Prediction: Brock seems destined for a UFC return, so I’m choosing Roman.
AJ Styles (c) vs Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE Championship
AD: Stop reading this and go watch Styles vs. Nakamura for the IWGP Intercontinental Title at Wrestle Kingdom 10…
Drooling yet? You should be.
I expect that the upcoming ‘mania match will be similar in scope to the aforementioned Tokyo Dome spectacular, and I’d be willing to bet that the result is the same as well:
Styles and Nakamura put on a helluva match and steal the show before Nakamura goes over.
Prediction: Shinsuke Nakamura.
EP: Can we agree this will be the match of the night? No gimmicks, just straight wrasslin’ from two of the best in the world. Only way this could be better is if we got Jim Ross to call the action. When Nakamura does that thing where he dips his arms low and howls like a lunatic, I will go nuts (apologies in advance to my neighbors). But then Styles hits him with the Styles Clash and it’s over.
Prediction: AJ Styles.
Ronda Rousey and Kurt Angle vs. Stephanie McMahon and Triple H
AD: I’m really trying to get behind Rousey, but the promo and little ring work we’ve seen from her so far has been more than a bit rough.
WWE needs to protect her as best they can if she is to retain any of the hype momentum. While part of that depends on Rousey herself, it also relies on how the match is booked.
There’s no way they make Rousey lose her debut match. I’d bet money that Hunter and Angle carry 98 percent of the match, with Rousey eventually going over McMahon.
Prediction: Rousey and Angle
EP: This is going to be a cringe-worthy car wreck from start to finish.
Prediction: Ronda puts Stephanie through a table and the resulting clip goes viral on Twitter.
John Cena vs The Undertaker (?)
AD: If this match doesn’t happen, it’s one of the biggest teases in any form of entertainment in recent memory.
That being said, I would’ve loved to have seen this match...maybe five or six years ago.
With Cena nearing the end of his career and Taker’s retirement well overdue, there’s really not much for either guy to gain.
If this match does happen (as it hasn’t been announced as of the “go-home” edition of Smackdown), I’d give it to Taker. The Deadman’s Wrestlemania record should always either ended in a “0” or a “1,” and handing him a third ‘Mania loss would put even more of a damper on his record.
Prediction: Undertaker
EP: This entire storyline puzzles me -- it’s literally days before WrestleMania and we still don’t know if this match is even going to happen.
It kind of has to, right? If it doesn’t, what was the point of Cena calling out Undertaker week after week?
If this match indeed takes place, I can’t envision any scenario where Undertaker loses. There would be riots on the streets (or at least my street).
Instead of a match, I’d much rather have Undertaker open the show, have a confrontation with Cena, and then watch ‘Taker nail him with a tombstone. Cue Undertaker’s music and the arena goes black. No muss, no fuss.. ::kisses fingers like a chef::
Prediction: Undertaker
Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon vs Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens
AD: While I don’t question his talent, I was never a member of the “Yes Movement.” DB’s announcement that he has been medically cleared to compete did little to nothing for me.
If I have any beef with this match, it’s that Zayn & Owens - two of my favorite guys on the entire roster and probably the best act on Smackdown right now - might be fed to a part time non-wrestler and a guy just coming out of retirement.
I have to hope that there’s more of a story here, and that they won’t essentially bury Zayn and Owens. Maybe a heel turn by McMahon or Bryan? DB going bad after the Universe has clamored for a return would be almost as shocking and/or heart breaking as it was when Lesnar defeated Taker’s streak…
Prediction: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn...please?
EP: Like my counterpart, I never fully bought into the Daniel Bryan hype, but the enormous pop he received at Smackdown a few weeks ago tells me we’re in the minority. And as an aside, wouldn’t it have made more sense to make DB’s in-ring return a surprise, like the Hardy’s last year?
Prediction: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn.
Charlotte (c) vs Asuka for the Smackdown Women’s Title
AD: Much like Roman vs Reigns, we knew this was coming in some shape or form; it was just a matter of what title will Asuka win.
Again, no shocks and no surprises. Asuka wins the title, and I’d bet money that she doesn’t lose it until next ‘Mania.
Prediction: Asuka
EP: I’m a huge Asuka fan, but there’s no way I’m betting against a Flair at WrestleMania. Woooo!
Prediction: Charlotte.
Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Nia Jax for the Raw Women’s Championship
AD: Originally I was going to give this match to Jax, but after looking through all my predictions I realized I had practically every title changing hands. Someone has to retain at some point in the show, and this makes the most sense.
I can’t complain too much. Bliss is my favorite woman on the roster, and in my opinion on of the best heels in the company right now.
Prediction: Alexa Bliss
EP: Alexa Bliss is snobby, conceited and a total diva – and I LOVE her for it. She’s a female Shawn Michaels, and at 26, she’s only getting started.
Prediction: Alexa Bliss
The Miz (c) vs. Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship
AD: I’ve got five wrestling action figures on my desk, and three of them make up the members of the Balor Club. Can you tell who I want to win this match?
Unfortunately, I don’t think Balor will be winning tonight.
In the grand scheme of things, I think it’s obvious that WWE is bigger on Rollins than they are on Balor. I feel like Rollins will go over Miz, with a Balor Club to follow.
Prediction: Seth Rollins
EP: When I was at Raw at the Honda Center a few weeks ago, Finn Balor’s six-pack was visible from the 300 section. Not that that means anything.
Prediction: Seth Rollins
Randy Orton (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Jinder Mahal vs. Rusev for the United States Championship
AD: OK, OK, we let Orton be a “Grand Slam Champion” for a little bit. Time to take the belt off of him again.
As much as I think Roode’s title reign was cut short, I think the more interesting long game scenario has him chase his belt a little longer.
As for Rusev...I’m convinced that someone out in the Universe just wanted to screw up my Andre the Giant Battle Royal prediction. More on that later...
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think Mahal takes this one. Just don’t give him the world title again, please…
Prediction: Jinder Mahal
EP: As a casual wrestling fan, I had to Google Bobby Roode and was surprised to learn that he is 1.) 40 years old, and 2.) 40 years old and still going by the name of Bobby.
No way a championship of such prestige can be held by someone named Bobby.
Prediction: Randy Orton
Cesaro and Sheamus (c) vs. Braun Stroman and TBD for the Raw Tag Team Titles
AD: Because this match has so much “surprise” potential surrounding Stroman’s currently unnamed partner, I can’t imagine Cesaro and Sheamus retaining.
WWE is too big on Stroman right now, so there’s no way he eats a pin here, and having his partner take the loss for the team seems like such a waste of a reveal / debut / return.
Cesaro and Sheamus get “These Hands.” I’m sure of it.
Prediction: Stroman and TBD
EP: Braun Stroman can’t be a tag team champion, can he? He’s clearly a singles competitor.
The real intrigue will be the identity of his mystery partner. What’s Big Show doing these days?
Prediction: Cesaro and Sheamus get the victory by disqualification.
The Usos (c) vs. The New Day vs. The Bludgeon Brothers for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship
AD: I love the Usos. I tolerate the New Day. I’ve never been a fan of “big guy / monster” gimmicks, so the Bludgeon brothers don’t interest me.
That being said, as much as The Usos and The New Day have amazing chemistry that result in stellar matches, we’ve seen them fight over the title for how long now?
Bludgeon Brothers take the win, just to mix things up a bit.
Prediction: Bludgeon Brothers
EP: Slow clap for the Usos, five-time tag-team champions that have elevated the SmackDown roster with their phenomenal talent. But it’s hard to deny WWE’s push of the Bludgeon Brothers, who seem destined to swipe the tag-team championship Sunday.
Prediction: Bludgeon Brothers.
Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Final: Cedric Alexander vs Mustafa Ali
AD: I hate to say it, but I’m really not up to date on the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament because I don’t watch 205 Live.
That being said, some quick online research has led be to believe that Alexander will be getting the nod here, as he seems to be the bigger star. Plus, he was scheduled to face Enzo Amore at the Royal Rumble before the match was pulled due to Amore’s scandal and ultimate release from the company.
Let him get his feel good ‘Mania moment (even if it’s probably gonna be on the pre-show).
Prediction: Cedric Alexander
EP: If I didn’t know Bobby Roode, you clearly can’t expect me to be familiar with Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali.
According to Wikipedia, Cedric was part of a tag-team at Ring of Honor called C&C Wrestling Factory, which is the best name ever for a tag-team. For that reason and that reason alone, I’m picking Cedric to take the match.
Prediction: Cedric Alexander
Wrestlemania Women’s Battle Royal
AD: I honestly have no idea who will win here, so I’m just going to stick with who I want to win.
In my humble opinion, the Women’s division has grown a bit stale (I don’t care how many “first ever” matches they’ve done).
I’d love to see one of the fresher faces get the nod here, so that we’re not just stuck with the same old Becky Lynch, Naomi, Sasha Banks, Bayley, etc. faces.
Give it to Ruby Riott. Riott is fresh off of an impressive outing at Fastlane against Charlotte and could use a little extra momentum.
Prediction: Ruby Riott
EP: I have to disagree with my writing partner because the women’s division is neck and neck with the men’s roster in terms of entertainment value. And if we’re talking pure athletic ability, I’ll take the women any day of the week.
While I agree that elevating a couple fresh faces would be nice, it won’t happen at WrestleMania.
Prediction: Sasha Banks
Andre the Giant Battle Royal:
AD: Ugh… so I tried to be proactive and get most of these predictions done a couple of weeks ahead of time. Boy was that a mistake…
My original prediction read as follows,
“Is there a midcarder with nothing better to do at ‘mania? Give it to him. This match doesn’t mean anything anyways. Prediction: Rusev.”
Then Rusev got added to the US Title match.
While my opinion still stands on the worth - or lack thereof - of the now yearly battle royal, I now have to side with Eric: a win in this event would be an awesome fit for the Titus Worldwide gimmick.
*New* Prediction: Apollo Crews - just so we have the team covered.
EP: I’m afraid my colleague Alex is growing irritable with age. Battle royals are the BEST THING EVER.
I think this year’s match will be better than its predecessors if only because HBO’s Andre the Giant documentary debuts one week prior to WrestleMania. WWE has to do the late giant proud.
Prediction: It’s anyone’s guess, but my heart is with Titus O’Neil.
AD: Hey! I’m not irritable...