City of Downey celebrates its 2018-19 accomplishments
Photo by Claudia Gomez
Contributed by the City of Downey
The City of Downey recently released its seventh annual City Accomplishments Report for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. This report showcases the City Council’s goals and objectives for the fiscal year, as well as numerous successful City initiatives and actions under the guidance of the City Council.
The Fiscal Year 2018-19 City Council goals were established in January 2018 at the annual City Council goal setting workshop and focused on the Council’s five over-arching priorities:
Fiscal Responsibility
Economic Vibrancy
Efficiency & Adaptability
Quality of Life, Safety, & Infrastructure
Public Engagement
The city achieved numerous accomplishments under each of the five City Council priorities, all while making tremendous strides with Measure S, the City’s historic $50 million capital improvement plan, that will enhance the quality of life for nearly every corner of the community.
Some notable successes include:
Budget finance awards from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and
California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO)
Implementation of the Fire Department’s smart phone application “Pulse Point”
Dedication of two Police Officers to manage mental health and homeless outreach efforts
New residential and commercial developments
Completion of $4.5 million worth of Capital Improvement Projects
Expansive media attention due to successful Columbia Memorial Space Center exhibits
New Online Library services and resources
New Special Olympics parks and recreation programming
“City of Downey employees work very hard to keep Downey operating efficiently and to ensure they are providing an excellent quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors,” said Mayor Rick Rodriguez. “I’m extremely proud of what my Council colleagues and I, City staff and the community has accomplished in the last fiscal year.”
“The incredible work accomplished by City staff and the community at large is what makes Downey standout from other cities,” said Mayor Pro Tem Blanca Pacheco. “We look forward to continued success in the upcoming year.”
For more information regarding the 2018-2019 City of Downey Accomplishments Report, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (562) 904-7284. The complete report is available on the City’s website at